3 Tips on Getting Your Cat in A Carrier

All cats need routine veterinarian care, dental care, and some even need cat grooming.
Let's face it though, the worst part of any "cat" veterinary trip is getting him there! So if you need advice to make this task less daunting… keep reading.
Cats Are Comfortable With What's Familiar.
Most cats hate their carriers. That's because when they see it they know something bad is going to happen. For this reason, it is important to always leave the carrier out in a socially significant area and where your cat spends a lot of time. This is how your cat becomes familiar" and stays familiar with his carrier. Of course the "purrrrfect" time to introduce your kitty to his carrier is at a young age. However, if your feline friend is older, adjusting to the new "furniture" may take a little more time. Be patient, it will be worth the wait.
Encourage Investigation
Leave the carrier door open and the top off-if the carrier comes in two parts. Also, add a favorite blanket, towel, pillow… or something else that has your cat's scent on it. In time, you will notice your cat rubbing against his carrier. This behavior actually places your cat's scent on the carrier. This process will make the cat carrier less "scary" as smelling the "familiar" will ease your cat's fear.
Tempt With Treats
If your cat is motivated by food, place a few treats outside the carrier, inching closer and closer over a few days as your cat continues to become more accustomed to this new "piece of furniture". Eventually, place the treats inside the carrier. You can also try catnip toys. Just be patient, cats are clever creatures.
In a perfect world, cats would never need to leave their home. However, cats need routine veterinary care, dental care, and some need cat grooming. Making the task of transporting them less stressful makes these visits more pleasant.
For more information on how to take the stress out of your cat's veterinary visit, give us a call.